How to Install Git on CentOS

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Git is a form of version control – a critical software configuration management tool. With the benefit of a version control system, you can track, annotate, and organize changes to documents, websites, computer programs, and many other kinds of collected information.

Let’s walk through the process of installing Git on CentOS.

Option 1: Install Git with Yum

The easiest, fastest way to install Git is with yum, CentOS’s package manager.

1. Find and install the latest version with the command:

yum install git

2. Verify the installation using the command:

git --version

The output should display the version number of Git that you have installed successfully.

Option 2: Install Latest Version of Git from IUS Repository

If you are seeking a custom range of options, you may prefer to install Git from IUS, a community-run source of quality packages stored in the .rpm file format (RPM packages).

1. Install Development Tools

Go to your default repositories provided in CentOS, and retrieve the necessary tools to build a binary for the version of Git you plan to install.

sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

Then run this command:

sudo yum install gettext-devel openssl-devel perl-CPAN perl-devel zlib-devel

2.Installation From Source

Install CentOS 7 repo from IUS using the command:

sudo yum install 


sudo yum install git2u-all

Now, you should have the latest version.

Perform a version check for Git on your CentOS 7 server with the command:

git --version

This ensures you have successfully installed the desired version of Git onto the CentOS server.

Configure Git

It’s a best practice to configure your name and email address in Git.

1.Set your name

git config --global "Your Name"

2.Set your email address

git config --global "[email protected]"

3.Verify the settings

git config --list

You might see, for example: name
[email protected]

Remove Git with Yum

sudo yum remove git

After setting up Git on your server, you may want to browse the full Git documentation.

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