How to install Sensu GO Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu 22.04

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 803 views

Sensu is a free, open-source, and cross-platform monitoring tool used for monitoring system health and performance stats. The latest version of Sensu is also known as the Sensu Go. It is designed for traditional servers, containers, applications, the cloud, and more.

The application is composed of three elements:

  • Backend: This is the server where the monitoring operations are performed.
  • Sensuctl: is a command-line tool for managing resources within Sensu.
  • Agent: This microprogram is installed on those devices that we want to monitor.

In this post, we will show you how to install Sensu Go on an Ubuntu 22.04 VPS.

First, in a terminal session update Ubuntu 22.04

apt update
apt upgrade

After that, you have to install some necessary packages such as gnupg

apt install curl gnupg unzip wget

After the installation, you will need to install the Sensu backend repository to your system. You can install it using the following command:

curl -s | bash

Once the repository is successfully added to the system, we can start the installation by running:

apt install sensu-go-backend

Once the application has been successfully downloaded, it is necessary to download the default configuration file:

curl -L -o backend.yml

And now move it to the correct location:

mv backend.yml /etc/sensu/

After this, you will be able to manage Sensu as a system service. So, start it, enable it and check the status of the service

systemctl start sensu-backend
systemctl enable sensu-backend
systemctl status sensu-backend

As everything is OK you have to start the Backend by assigning it a username and password.

sensu-backend init --interactive

Assign a username and a strong password.

Then you need to install sensuctl by running:

apt install sensu-go-cli

And then you have to configure it by running:

sensuctl configure

Leave it as I currently show you. Remember that the username and password must be the same as the one you set in the previous step.

Testing the installation

After applying the changes, you can check that the backend is working through the web interface provided by the application.

So, access it from http://your-server:3000

You will see the Login screen

Log in with your username and password and you will see the dashboard.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Sensu Go on Ubuntu 22.04 VPS. It’s empty because we haven’t added any nodes. But the backend is ready.


In this post, you have learned how to install a part of Sensu GO that will allow you to monitor devices on a network. Although it is a very professional application, it is really easy to install.

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How to install Sensu GO Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu 22.04

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