How to Install KDE Plasma on Ubuntu 22.04

Estimated reading: 4 minutes 893 views


KDE Plasma refers to the KDE desktop environment, and it is among the most intuitive and easy-to-use desktop environments. It has plenty of features, and you will love its consistent user experience across various devices. Moreover, its modern look is impressive and if you are yet to install it on your Ubuntu 22,04, today’s your lucky day.

We will present the steps for installing KDE Plasma on Ubuntu 22.04. Let’s get started.

Getting Started With KDE Plasma on Ubuntu 22.04

To install and see the screen interface, we should install it through VNC

The KDE Plasma 5.25 is available for installation even on Ubuntu 22.04, provided you know how. If you are already running KDE Plasma, you can also update to the latest version to enjoy its new features.

The first installation step is to update your system using the command below.
apt update && apt upgrade -y

To get the add-apt-repository command, install the software-properties-common package:

apt install software-properties-common

Once updated, optionally import the backports for KDE Plasma. This step is helpful as relying on the KDE Plasma components in the repository may cause stability issues as the components often get updated slowly.

add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports -y

apt-get update

It’s time to install KDE Plasma. There are three options to choose from depending on what you want to achieve with the installation.

1. KDE Full

This option installs the complete KDE package and the core desktop for the KDE Plasma. If your system can handle all the dependencies and the package size of 4.1Gb, use the below command to install KDE Full on Ubuntu 22.04.

apt install kde-full

2. KDE Standard

The standard version offers the KDE Plasma desktop, and you will enjoy its standard applications, such as email clients, web browsers, etc. Its package size is 1.6GB.

Here’s the command to install it.

apt install kde-standard

3. KDE Plasma

apt install kde-plasma-desktop

To configure auto login from the command line, start by opening the /etc/sddm.conf file in nano or your favorite text editor. Make sure you do this with root permissions.

nano /etc/sddm.conf

Note that the file may not already exist, in which case we will be creating it.

Within this file, copy and paste the following line. Then save the file.


Once that is done, reboot your system.


Then please access via VNC,at the top of the login screen, select the option to log in to “Plasma,” which should be the default selection.
Note: If you are using Ubuntu 22.o4 and got a big Keyboard screen after rebooting then press Ctrl+Alt+F5

You can switch between GNOME and KDE display managers by running the command below and selecting the display manager you prefer to use at a given time.

dpkg-reconfigure sddm

Once you switch between the display managers, reboot your system for the changes to take effect.

Uninstalling KDE Plasma

If you decide to remove the KDE Plasma, use the below command.

apt autoremove ‘^kde’ ‘^kubuntu’ ‘^plasma’ --purge

Also, remove the PPA that we added earlier with the command below.

add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports --remove -

Lastly, reboot your system to return to the previous GNOME display manager you used before installing KDE Plasma.

That’s how to install KDE Plasma on Ubuntu 22.04


The KDE Plasma has plenty to offer, and there is no harm in installing it on your system, provided you follow the correct guideline. This guide has covered every detail you should know when installing KDE Plasma on Ubuntu 22.04, including uninstalling it or switching between your display managers. Hopefully, you installed KDE Plasma on your system using the steps covered in the article.

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