How to Install and Configure SNMP Service on Windows Server 2022

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The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a popular protocol for network management. It collects information from network devices, such as servers, printers, hubs, switches, and routers on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. SNMP protocol is the most common protocol used in monitoring systems, which usually can connect to any server and receive performance counter data (such as CPU or RAM usage values).

Installing the SNMP Service

Step 1: Open the Server Manager, click Add Roles and Features, and proceed with installation until you reach the Features page. Check the SNMP Service in the list of features

Step 2: Select the SNMP Service then Install the installation process will start.

  • Select the SNMP Service then Install the installation process will start.

Step 3: The SNMP feature was installed on your computer but we still need to configure the SNMP service.

  • Open the Services window, find the SNMP Service, and open Properties.

  • On the General tab, be sure to select Automatic in the Startup Type section so that it is always available even after a restart of the Server.

  • Click on the Security tab.

  • To configure SNMP Services, the first thing is to give a community name. Enter a Community Name and click on the Add button. For example, we used Greencloudvps. Community String and Community Name mean the same thing. (Please take note that don’t assign Read Write rights, just assign Read Only rights)

  • Then Select the Accept SNMP packets from these hosts option and then click Add to add the Hostname, and IP Address of the Monitoring Server.

  • Access the Agent tab, select all the options, and enter the device contact information.

Open the port for the SNMP service

Step 1: Click Start and search Windows Firewall with Advanced Security

Step 2: In the left pane, click Inbound Rules, select New Rules

Step 3: Next, click Outbound Rules, select New Rules

That’s it. Now, the installation and configuration of the SNMP service in Windows Server 2022 are complete.

Good luck!

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How to Install and Configure SNMP Service on Windows Server 2022

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