How to Fix Wlanapi.dll Not Found or Missing Errors on Windows server 2022

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Wlanapi.dll is an important Windows system file that is responsible for running the Wireless LAN API (Application Programming Interface). This file enables wireless networking functionality on your device. However, many users have reported issues when encountering the “Wlanapi.dll not found or missing error” when using their computers.Because this DLL file is necessary in order for the Wireless LAN service to run properly in some versions of Window Server, it’s more commonly seen when attempting to use a wireless device or when installing a program that needs access to that service. VPNs are one example.

The wlanapi.dll error message could apply to any program or system that might utilize the file on any of Microsoft’s operating system

How to Fix Wlanapi.dll Errors

In this article, the solution to fix Wlanapi.dll not Found or missing error is to install the Wireless LAN Service feature

Open the PowerShell console as administrator and make sure that the Wireless LAN Service is not installed.

Get-WindowsFeature *Wireless*

You can use this command to install Wireless LAN Service on Window Server:

Install-WindowsFeature -Name Wireless-Networking

When finished, restart your server and check again

Or install the Wireless LAN Service using the Server Manager (Add Roles and Features -> Features).

Open the Server Manager, click Add Roles and Features, and proceed with installation until you reach the Features page -> Select the Wireless LAN Service then Install the installation process will start.

When finished, restart your server and check again


The Wlanapi.dll not found or missing error can be frustrating and can cause disruption to your wireless network functions.

Hopefully this article has provided you with a way to resolve the Wlanapi.dll not found or missing error so you can use your device without any problems.

Good Luck!

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How to Fix Wlanapi.dll Not Found or Missing Errors on Windows server 2022

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