How to fix Remote Desktop Licensing Mode Is Not Configured error on Windows

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Every device or user aiming to establish a connection with a remote desktop session host requires a Client Access License (CAL). This CAL assists in the installation and management of licenses across various machines. Microsoft allows a 120-day grace period during which no license is necessary. Once this grace period expires, a client must possess a CAL to log into a remote desktop via the RD Session Host server.

The notification of “Remote Desktop licensing mode is not configured” serves as a reminder to procure a license if you wish to extend your access beyond this grace period. It’s worth noting that this notification acts as a mere prompt and doesn’t impede your entry into the remote desktop service. Nevertheless, exceeding the 120-day grace period leads to the transformation of this notification into an error. Subsequently, acquiring a license becomes imperative to maintain uninterrupted access.

While this represents the predominant cause of the “Remote Desktop licensing mode is not configured” error, there exist other potential factors. For instance, incorrect settings within the Registry, Group Policy Object (GPO) configurations, or an incompatible RDS CAL license can also contribute to this error.

In this article, we will guide you through some methods to fix the above error.

Solution 1. Check the Registry setting

Step 1. Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box. Type in “regedit” and press OK.

Step 2. Navigate here:

Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\Licensing Core

Step 3. In the right pane, initiate a double-click on “LicensingMode” to modify its value. Proceed to adjust the “Value data” as per your specific requirement:

  • Assign a “Value data” of 2 for Per Device RDS licensing mode.
  • Assign a “Value data” of 4 for Per User RDS licensing mode.

Step 4. Confirm your changes by clicking the OK button, thereby saving the modifications.

Close the Registry Editor page that you have opened up. After this, you can restart your computer to save this change.

Solution 2. Check the Group Policy Object (GPO) setting

If your RDS server operates within a workgroup that lacks a connection to the Active Directory domain, it’s necessary to configure the RDS license via the local Group Policy Editor.

Step 1. Access the Run dialog and input “gpedit.msc” to initiate the Group Policy Editor.

Step 2. Navigate here:

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Licensing.

Step 3. Double-click on “Set the Remote Desktop Licensing Mode,” confirm that the “Enabled” radio button is activated. If not, proceed to select this radio button.

Step 4. Continue to the “Specify the licensing mode for the RD session host server” section and opt for either “Per User” or “Per Device,” in alignment with your specific license mode.

Step 5. Execute a double-click on the “Use the specified Remote Desktop license servers” setting.

Step 6. Opt for the Enabled option. Enter the license server names (host name or IP address) and finalize by clicking the OK button.

Finally, after doing all these things. You can restart your computer to save this change.


In our case after performing the above steps, we did not see the error again.

Hopefully, this article will be helpful for you. Good luck!

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How to fix Remote Desktop Licensing Mode Is Not Configured error on Windows

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