How to fix Microsoft .NET Error HRESULT error 0xc8000222 on Windows

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Microsoft .NET Framework is used by many Windows applications. But, while installing the .NET Framework on your computer, you might face this message “Installation did not succeed. HRESULT ox0xc8000222” on the setup page.

In this article, we will guide you through some methods to fix the above error.

Solution 1. Stop the Windows Update service

The main reason why you are facing this disruption is the windows update services is running on the system.

Step 1. Search “services” after hitting the Win+S keys together.

Step 2. When you are there, scroll all the way to the bottom to find the “Windows Update” service.

Step 3 . Next, right-click that service and tap “Stop“.

Step 4. Coming back to the main Services page, find the “Background Intelligence Transfer Service“.

Step 5. Rigt-click that service and click “Stop” to halt that as well.

After halting these services, quit the Services page.

Step 6. Now, hit the Windows+R buttons together.

Step7. Later, type this and hit Enter.


Step 8. This will take you to the Windows directory. Look for the “SoftwareDistribution” folder.

Step 9. Right-click that and tap the “Rename” icon from the context menu.

Step 10. Rename this to “SDold” and hit Enter.

Step 11. As this is a system folder, Windows will show up a cautionary message. Ignore that and click “Continue“.

This way, you have to change the name of the SoftwareDistribution folder.

After this, run the .NET Framework package installer and complete the setup process. Restart your computer after this and you are good to go!

Solution 2. Run the .NET Repair tool

If you have a prior version of .NET Repair tool, download and run the repair tool to fix the problem.

Step 1. Download the .NET Framework Repair tool.

Step 2. Tap “Download” to download it.

Step 3. Run this repair tool on your system.

Step 4. It will prescribe solutions for your system. So, tap “Next“.

Finally, run the original .NET Framework installer and complete the installation.

You won’t get any “HRESULT Error 0xc8000222” again in the .NET Framework setup.

Solution 3. Check Windows Update

Some of the crucial .NET Framework updates on Windows 11, 10 are delivered through the Windows updates.

Step 1. Open the Settings page and get to the “Windows Update” tab.

Step 2. Tap “Check for updates” to check for the latest updates on your system.

Step 3. After this, tap “Restart now” to complete the system.

After this, try running the .NET Framework installer once more.

Solution 4. Enable the .NET Framework feature

Step 1. Press the Windows key and type Server Manager

Step 2. In Manage select Add roles and Features.

Step 3. Step forward to “Installation Type” and select “Role-based or feature-based installation

Step 4. Select the destination server for installation.

Step 5. Click on “Features”, select the sub-feature ” .NET Framework 3.5 (includes 2.0 and 3.0)” under .NET Framework 3.5 Features and .NET Framework 4.8

Step 6. Now, we get to the “Confirmation” step. Click “Install” to begin the installation.

After this, Windows will automatically get this feature and install it on your computer. No need to use the standalone installer any more.

Step 7. Step Once completed, restart your Windows then try again.


In our case after performing the above steps, we did not see the error again.

Hopefully, this article will be helpful for you. Good luck!

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How to fix Microsoft .NET Error HRESULT error 0xc8000222 on Windows

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