How to Create/Edit/Rename/Delete/Download/Upload a File in cPanel

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You will need to have a basic understanding of navigating the File Manager to complete these tasks. In cPanel, you can perform various file management tasks like creating, editing, deleting, and renaming files through the File Manager tool. Here’s how you can do each of these tasks.

1. Create a file or folder

Step 1: Log in to cPanel

Step 2: Look for the Files section, then click File Manager

Step 3: Open your site’s document root or directory, then click Settings in the upper right corner

Ensure the Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) box is checked.

Click the Save button to continue.

Step 4: Click File (or Folder) at the top of the page

In the pop-up window, enter the name of the newly created file or folder, then click Create New File (or Folder)

2. Edit a file

To edit an existing file, locate the file in the File Manager, right-click on it, and select “Edit” or simply click on the file name. A text editor will open, allowing you to modify the content of the file. After making your changes, click “Save Changes” or a similar option in the editor.

Step 5: Make the necessary changes in the file

Once done, click Save Changes on the top right of your editor.

3. Rename a file or folder

To rename a file, locate the file in the File Manager, right-click on it, and select “rename”. In the pop-up window, enter the new name then click Rename File (or Folder)

4. Delete a file

To delete a file, locate the file in the File Manager, right-click on it, and select “Delete” then confirm the deletion when prompted.

5. Download a file

To download a file, locate the file in the File Manager, select it and click the Download button at the top menu or right-click, then select Download

6. Upload a file

To upload a file or folder in cPanel, click the folder to which you would like to upload files; most of the time you’ll be working with website files, and they are to be located in the “public_html” directory. Select Upload from the icons at the top. Navigate to the file you want to upload on your local computer by clicking the “Select File” button.

If you are replacing an existing file, check the “Overwrite existing files” box (if you don’t check the box you will get a pop-up asking if you want to overwrite the existing file). You can upload files up to 100 MB in size using File Manager. For larger files, use FTP…


This way, you can create, edit, rename, upload, download, and delete files in cPanel for effectively managing website content and infrastructure. If you encounter any issues, feel free to get in touch with our support team at your earliest convenience.

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How to Create/Edit/Rename/Delete/Download/Upload a File in cPanel

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