How To Install Python on Windows Server 2022

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Python is a widely used high-level programming language. It is one of the most popular and flexible server-side programming languages.

Windows does not have the Python programming language installed by default. However, you can install Python on Windows in just a few easy steps.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to install and set up Python on Windows Server 2022.


  • You should have admin privileges to run and install Python on the windows server using a power shell
  • You should have enough space minimum of 2GB and preferred 4 GB RAM of your system for python installation.

You can install Python on windows server 2022 using two methods:

  • Install Python on windows server 2022 using Command line
  • Install Python on windows server 2022 using Graphical user interface

Method 1: Install Python on windows server 2022 using Command line

To install the latest python version 3.10.2 on windows server 2022 using the power shell, follow the following procedure:

Step 1: Open the power shell window on the windows server.

Step 2: Now, download the latest python installer 3.10.2 on windows server 2022 by running the following command:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "python-3.10.2-amd64.exe"

Step 3: Execute the following command to install python on windows server 2022 system-wide that will also set the path.

 .\python-3.10.2-amd64.exe /quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1 Include_test=0

Step 4: Use the following command to reload the PATH or environment variables

$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")

Step 5: Here, the Python installation is completed; now print the installed version on the power shell for verification.

python –V

Method 2: Install Python on windows server 2022 using Graphical user interface

Follow the below-mentioned steps to install the latest Python version using the graphical user interface environment of windows server 2022:

Step 1: Download python installer

The python installer or setup file is needed to install the latest python version on Windows server 2022. Therefore, download the latest python installer from the official Python download page. The installer will be saved in your system ‘Downloads’ folder.

Step 2: Run Python Installer

Now, right-click on the python installer and select the ‘Run as Administrator’

Check the box ‘Add Python 3.10.2 to PATH’. This option will add python Path to the system environment variable. If we select the ‘Install Now’, python will install with default settings and path. Here, we will choose the ‘Customize installation’. So that, according to our requirements, we can change its features.


In the next ‘Optional Features’ dialog, we’ll mark the check boxes which features want to install on the windows 2022 server such as pip, python documentation file, tcl/tk IDLE, and python test suite. After selecting the features for installation, click on the ‘Next’.

In the ‘Advanced Options’ dialog, check the ‘Install for all users’ that will change the ‘Customize install location’. Click on the ‘install’ to proceed with the default installation location. Alternatively, we can also change this default location to install python somewhere else in window server 2022.

The following window appears on the desktop that shows the running progress of the Python installation setup.

Once the installation of python is completed, click on the ‘Close’ to exit from the window.

Congratulations! Python 3.10.2 is successfully installed on Windows Server 2022 now.


That’s all about the Python 3.10.2 installation on Windows server 2022. We’ve mentioned two different methods for python installation one is by using the power shell and the next is via windows server GUI. By following the above-mentioned steps, you can easily install the latest Python version on your system

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