How to Install Anaconda on Debian 10

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Anaconda is the most popular Python/R data science and machine learning platform. It is used for large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing.

Anaconda distribution ships with more than 1,500 open-source data packages. It also includes the conda command-line tool and a desktop graphical user interface called Anaconda Navigator.

In this tutorial, we will walk you through downloading and installing Anaconda Python Distribution on Debian 10.

Install Anaconda

In this post, we will use the terminal as a quicker and more direct method.

The first is to update the system.

apt update
apt upgrade

Next is to download the Anaconda installation script which can be obtained using the following command:

cd /tmp/
wget -c

Of course, the above command needs to be updated to the latest version of Anaconda. So, visit this link and check which one it is by right-clicking on the download button. There you will get the link that you can paste after wget -c.

After it finishes downloading, we have to run it with the bash command.


First, accept the license terms.

Type yes to accept the license, and the script will ask you to choose the installation location.

The default location is fine for most users. Press ENTER to confirm the location, and the installation process will start.

The installation may take some time. Once it is completed, you’ll see the following:

Type yes, press ENTER and the script will add conda to your PATH:

There, the installation will finish without any problems.

To apply all the changes to the shell and make the conda command available system-wide, run the command:

source ~/.bashrc

Anaconda is now ready for battle.

To verify that Anaconda was successfully installed use the conda command:

conda info

Update Anaconda

Updating Anaconda is a pretty straight forward process. Start by updating the conda tool with:

conda update conda

When prompted to confirm the update, type y to proceed.

Once conda is updated, proceed with the Anaconda update:

conda update anaconda

Same as before, when prompted, type y to proceed.

You should regularly update your Anaconda installation.


Anaconda in professional environments is quite an ideal solution for many people who make this their profession. The best thing is that we can install it on Debian 10 very easily and take full advantage of it.

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