7 tips to free up hard drive space on Windows VPS

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When you have too much clutter hosted on your Windows VPS, you can run into some serious performance issues. If you’re experiencing lag, program freezes, or trouble finding important documents, it might be time to clean up your VPS’s hard drive.
Here’s how to free up hard drive space on your windows VPS, even if you’ve never done it before.

1. Uninstall unnecessary apps and programs

Just because you’re not actively using an outdated app doesn’t mean it’s still not hanging around. Get control of your storage space by deleting unused applications that take up space.

  • Click the “Start” button from your desktop.
  • Select “Apps.”
  • Then select “Apps and Features.”
  • Sort by size to see which programs are eating up the most space.
  • Get rid of any you don’t use by selecting the program and clicking “Uninstall.

2. Clean your desktop

Many of us store everything on our desktop by default, but there’s a better way. Having lots of desktop clutter can slow your VPS because these files take up operating memory to display all the time.
Consider deleting any files that you don’t need and move the rest to the Documents, Video, and Photos folders. You’ll free up a little space on your hard drive when you delete them, and those that you keep won’t continue to slow your VPS down.

3. Get rid of monster files

Most VPSs are very efficient with how they store data, but some file types can suck up storage that you can’t spare.

  • Open Windows Explorer (File Explorer).
  • Select “This PC.”
  • Type “size” into the search box on the upper-right-hand corner.
  • You’ll be able to select between several categories of file sizes, ranging from “Empty” to “Gigantic.”
  • Start with the largest files, checking to see if they are anything you need.
  • If not, move to them your trash can and free your PC from the burden.
  • Do this with all of the larger file sizes until you get your hard-drive space to a reasonable leve

4. Use the Disk Cleanup Tool

This handy utility comes standard in  Windows and is a one-click solution for removing unnecessary operating system files. Windows can recognize these for you and remove the unnecessary ones.

  • Launch Disk Cleanup by asking Cortana or selecting it from your search box.
  • Select “Drive: C” to perform the task, which will take a few minutes to complete – or longer if this is your first time.
  • You can use CCleaner software to clean the hard drive according to the instructions:
  • Or delete junk files according to the instructions:

Note:  Disk Cleanup Tool is not the same as Disk Defragmenter. While both are necessary for optimal performance, the latter helps manage important files without creating extra space on your hard drive. Make sure to schedule both tasks for best results.

5. Discard temporary files

Every time you visit a website, there is a trail of files left behind, such as cookies, images, and text files that make your next visit to the same site faster. If privacy is an issue or you need more space on your hard drive, there’s no need to keep these files around.

Each browser type has a different way to clear these files, so check your browser documentation for best results. You can also use the Windows tool to tackle temporary files.
Consider this as an opportunity to delete cookies, discard temporary files, and clear your cache, which will have an immediate positive effect on your browsing.

6. Deal with downloads

For anyone wanting to know how to free up space on a VPS hard drive, one of the simplest ways is to tackle the large list of downloads you’re likely have on your device.

Many of us have downloaded videos, music files, photos, and PDF documents that we may or may not need ever again. Some downloads are important, though, so take time to look in your download folder and move important files to the appropriate permanent folders.

Once finished, delete the remaining ones by selecting “All” and clicking “Delete.”

7. Save to the cloud and create an automatic junk cleaner

Finally, there may come a time when you can’t store everything you want on your VPS.
This is one of the reasons why recommend regularly backing up important experts to the cloud storage service of your choice. Not only does it free up precious space on your hard drive, but it also protects you in the event your hard drive fails, you lose your device, or another damage occurs that puts your data at risk.
However, it can be difficult to remind you to take regular backups. Not doing it consistently can put your data at risk and lead to large amounts of data being transferred at once. To break down tasks into manageable chunks and ensure that you don’t fall behind on your backups, choose utilities that are built into most VPSs portable is designed to automate

Here we will guide you to create an automatic junk cleaner

1. How to automatically clean garbage by batch file

Step 1 : Open the Notepad file on your VPS.

How to automatically clean junk on Windows 10 computers Picture 1

Step 2 :  Enter the following codes in turn  into the Notepad interface:

rd %temp% /s /q
md %temp%

Zabbix Agent Installation on Windows

Step 3 : Save the file with the name

%appdata%\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\startup\cleantemp.bat

Zabbix Agent Installation on Windows

When the 3 steps have been completed, reboot your computer.

2. How to automatically clean the garbage when starting the computer

Step 1: Use the Windows + R keyboard shortcut to open the  RUN dialog box.

Step 2: When the dialog box displays, enter the command  Shell:startup  => Then click  OK.

Zabbix Agent Installation on Windows

Step 3 : Then right-click on an empty space and select  Create shortcut .

Zabbix Agent Installation on Windows

Step 4 : Next, enter  cmd.exe / c ‘echo Y | PowerShell.exe-NoProfile-Command Clear-Recycle Bin’ .

Zabbix Agent Installation on Windows

Step 5 : Click on  Next.

Name the  Empty Recycle  bin .

Zabbix Agent Installation on Windows

Step 6 : Click  Finish  when completing the above steps.

With these setup steps, after each boot, the machine will automatically delete the junk files remaining in the  Recycle Bin .

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7 tips to free up hard drive space on Windows VPS

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