How to fix error Remote TeamViewer black screen

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This post will discuss how to fix the error “TeamViewer black remote screen.”

If you are encountering the same problem and do not know what to do, keep reading to get the solutions, and then you can easily fix the issue.

I am trying to use TeamViewer. When I connect to my friend’s Windows computer it just shows a black screen. My cursor shows up sometimes. But the black screen doesn’t go away. We tried connecting several times. But the issue is still there. How do I fix TeamViewer black screen Windows?

How to fix TeamViewer black remote screen [5 solutions]

When connecting to TeamViewer, you may occasionally see the Teamviewer black remote screen. There are various causes for this issue, including improper TeamViewer service operation, a blocked TeamViewer connection, an active RDP that is running on the remote side, etc.

Whatever situation you are in, the following available solutions can quickly resolve the problem.

Solution 1. Restart the remote computer

When TeamViewer remote interaction show black screen, try to restart the remote computer and then re-establish a connection. Make sure you enabled start with Windows option.

On TeamViewer main interface, click Options > General > enable Start TeamViewer with Windows.

During TeamViewer remote control session, click Actions on the toolbar and click Remote Reboot.

Solution 2. Check Firewall setting

Windows Defender Firewall may sometimes block applications to work properly, therefore, check whether TeamViewer is in the exception list of the Firewall.

Open Control Panel, then click Windows Defender Firewall > Allow apps, click Change settings, and check TeamViewer Remote Control Service.

Solution 3. Check Windows Remote Desktop not running

When you run TeamViewer, make sure the Windows Remote Desktop is not running, which can also be a cause for TeamViewer black remote screen. If it is, you need to end a Remote Desktop session.

Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Windows Task Manager, locate and right-click Remote Desktop Connection > End task.

Solution 4. Restart TeamViewer service

Completely restarting the TeamViewer service can also help you troubleshoot the problem.

Step 1. Press Win + R, type“services.msc”, and click OK.

Step 2. Find and right-click TeamViewer from the list, and click Restart.


Solution 5. Switch to TeamViewer alternative

If all the solutions above do not solve your problem, don’t worry, you can switch to the TeamViewer alternative.To fix this issue and prevent it happen again, we advise you to use another reliable remote access software. In this case, you can choose other remote access tools like AnyViewer or AnyDesk


This post introduces how to fix “TeamViewer black remote screen”. We offer you five tested solutions and I believe you have already resolved the problem. However, according to user feedback, this is not the first time they encountered errors when using TeamViewer. Therefore, we recommend you switch to a reliable remote desktop tool like AnyViewer or AnyDesk to avoid such errors.

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