How to Install FastPanel on Linux

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 872 views

FastPanel is currently one of the most popular server management software available today. It is similar to cPanel or DirectAdmin. However, it is very simple so it runs much faster than other server management software, and especially it is completely free.

Fastpanel has full features of hosting management software. Include:

  • Domain management
  • Filemanager
  • Database management
  • Backup
  • Free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate
  • VPS tracking statistics,
  • Emails
  • FTP and SFTP
  • Apache & Nginx
  • ….

Install Fastpanel

Step 1: SSH login to VPS/Server

To install you login SSH to the VPS / server as the root

Step 2: Run the following command line:

On Debian / Ubuntu

apt-get update
apt-get install wget

On  CentOS:

 yum makecache
yum install wget

Step 3: Run the following command line to install Fastpanel

   wget -O - | bash -

Step 4: If you see the following results, you are successful

Congratulations! FASTPANEL® successfully installed and available now for you at https://your ip:8888

At the first interface when accessing, you will be asked to activate the FASTPANEL license, you just need to enter your email and wait a moment to receive full license information.

Log in with the above information installed

Login: fastuser

Password: password


Congratulations, you have installed FastPanel on Linux server. You can add websites, reseller accounts, and services through the main server dashboard.

Good luck!

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