How to Fix Mouse Double Clicks on Single Click in Windows

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Many Windows 11  users have reported a weird issue where upon clicking any file or folder once, it automatically double-click it. A single click selects the icon whereas a double-click opens the file or folder. Thus, it becomes a serious problem.


The cause could either be with the settings of the system, a virus or malware, or with the mouse hardware. We will isolate the possibilities one by one.

Initial Workaround

  • Clean your mouse. There may be a sticky substance on it leading to this issue.
  • Try to insert in another PC and see if it gives you the same issue or not. If the same issue persists, it shows there is a problem with mouse, try to clean it or change it.
  •  If there is a router or any other wireless device kept nearby your Mouse and PC, then try to move that away from it. Sometimes the wireless signals interfere with Mouse signals.

Methode 1: Change Double-click settings from File Explorer

1. Search file explorer options from windows 11 search box and click on File Explorer Options

2. In the General Tab, in section Click items as follows: Make sure Double click to open an item (Single click to select) is selected. If this is not the case, select this option.

Otherwise, if you will do a single click , it will open a folder and and will act as a double click.

In the General tab, make sure the option is selected at Double-click to open an item.

Methode 2: Adjust double click speed

1. Press Windows + R together to open RUN.

2. Write main.cpl in it and click OK.

3. In the buttons tab , which opens up by default, adjust the double-click speed by moving the slider and making it slower.

Make it a little bit slower and then click on apply and ok, check again.

Methode 3: Switch Left and right click and check Mouse

1. Open the main.cpl as explained in methode 2.

2. In the buttons tab , Check option Switch primary and secondary buttons.

4. Click on Apply and OK. Please note that after that your for a left click you will have to click the right click and for doing a right click, you have to press the left click.

If everything seems OK, then this is a problem with your hardware that is your mouse. Try to clean your mouse or change the mouse.

Methode 4: disable pointer precision

1. Open the main.cpl as explained in methode 2.

2. Click on pointer Options Tab and uncheck Enhance Pointer precision option.

Click on Apply and then click on OK.

Methode 5: Uninstall the second HID-compliant mouse entries

1.Press Win + R to open the Run window and type the command devmgmt.msc. Press Enter to open the Device Manager window.

2. Expand the list for Mice and other pointing devices.

3. Right-click on HID-compliant mouse and then on Uninstall device.

Hope it helps!


Hopefully, one or more of the above methods fixed your double-clicking mouse. If nothing worked, it’s likely that your mouse is not functioning properly. You may be able to fix it by opening it up and repairing the mechanics, but this probably isn’t worth your time unless you have an expensive mouse and feel comfortable with the process. Otherwise, it’s time for a new mouse.

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How to Fix Mouse Double Clicks on Single Click in Windows

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